CRM - Create, update, monitor and manage:
- Call Center
- Customer Self Service
- Incident Management
- Service Authorization
- Product Replacement
- Buy Back Processing
- Shipping Integration
- Promotion Management
- Sales Price Management
OMS - Warehouse, Manufacturing and Shipping solution
- Shipping
- Internal Transfers
- Returns Processing
- Repair and Disposition
- CRM / PPS Integration
Pick, Pack & Ship
- UPS, USPS and FedEx Integration
- Label Printing
- Re-Print Labels
- OMS / CRM Integration
ROI Portal "Transforming Data into Quality Information"
- Real Time, Online, Information Portal
- Secure Web Based Portal
IRP Portal
- Instant Response Portal
- Management Dashboard
- Automated Notifications based on Indicator Status
- Real Time access to diverse information
- Immediate problem identification and response
- Improved Communication
- Audit Trail
- Hosted Subscription
- Monthly and Transaction Based Pricing
- Customization
- 3rd Party Integration
- B2B and B2C Auctions
- Inventory Management
- Credit Card Processing